Sunday, January 9, 2011

SSIS Expression Cheat Sheet

SSIS Expression Cheat Sheet

Create a file name with today's date
Expression on the Flat File or File Connection Manager:

"C:\\Project\\MyExtract" + (DT_WSTR, 30)(DT_DBDATE)GETDATE() + ".csv"

Expression Output Example: C:\Project\MyExtract2009-03-20.csv
Use a 2 digit date
(ex. "03" for March instead of "3")

Expression Output: 03 (if the month is March)
Multiple condition if statement
In this example, the statement determines that if the ColumnName
is blank or NULL, it will be set to unknown. To make a Logical AND condition, use "&&" instead of the "||" operator.

ISNULL(ColumnName)||TRIM(ColumnName)==""?"Unknown": ColumnName
Returns the first five characters from a zip code
Derived Column Transform in the Data Flow:

Remove a given character from a string
(ex. Remove "-" from a social security number)
Derived Column Transform in the Data Flow:

REPLACE(SocialSecurityNumber, "-","")
Uppercase data
Derived Column Transform in the Data Flow:

Replace NULL with another value
Derived Column Transform in the Data Flow:

ISNULL(ColumnName)?"New Value" : ColumnName
Replace blanks with NULL values
Derived Column Transform in the Data Flow:

TRIM(ColumnName)=="" ? (DT_STR, 4, 1252)NULL(DT_STR, 4, 1252) : ColumnName
Remove any non-numeric data from a column
Script Transform in the Data Flow Task with the code as follows (VB 2008):

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Overrides Sub Input()_ProcessInputRows(ByVal Row As Input()Buffer)

If Row.ColumnName_IsNull = False Or Row.ColumnName = "" Then
Dim pattern As String = String.Empty

Dim r As Regex = Nothing

pattern = "[^0-9]"

r = New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled)

Row.ColumnName = Regex.Replace(Row.ColumnName, pattern, "")
End If
End Sub
Convert text to proper case
(ex. 1st letter in each word is uppercase)
Script Transform with the line of partial code as follows:

Row.OutputName = StrConv(Row.InputName, VBStrConv.ProperCase)
Build dynamic SQL statement
Expression on the SQLStatementSource property of Execute SQL Task:

"SELECT Column From " + @[User::TableName] +WHERE DateFilterColumn = '" + (DT_WSTR,4)YEAR(@[User::DateTimeVar]) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)MONTH(@[User::DateTimeVar]),2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR,2)DAY(@[User::DateTimeVar]),2) + "'"

Expression Output:SELECT Column FROM MyTable WHERE DateFilerColumn = '20060915'
Calculate beginning of the previous month
Expression on component or task:

Round to the nearest two decimal mark
Expression on Derived Column Transform:

ROUND(YourNumber, 2)

Expression Output Example: 1.2600000

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